Friends of Calitzdorp Animals

Thank you to those that responded to our cries for help. We managed to get through another week with your support.
I need to thank a young family that started helping me in December and still do so.

My work commitments were crazy last week and I needed help with getting 3 dogs to Oudtshoorn for sterilizations. The Le Roes girls and boyfriend drove through to Oudtshoorn in the dog bakkie (they’re still youngsters, so stern warnings about driving safe, do not lose an animal (all should be crated). Also a dog with suspected cancer which it was and the growth was removed). Whilst the dog bakkie is in Oudtshoorn I get a call for help with a dog that got out and got knocked over.

We asked the owners of said animal(they have no car), if they could find a lift we would help. They managed to get pup to Oudtshoorn and here is where the beauty of teamwork came to play, X-rays done etc, the break was terrible and amputation was suggested (now please keep in mind that we’re a small NPO with limited donations), we could not afford the amputation operation and all options were discussed with Dr Juanita at Kango Dierekliniek (Dr Juanita did amazing work in Calitzdorp when she started fresh out of varsity at our state vets in Oudtshoorn she made a plan to come to Calitzdorp twice a month). Dr Juanita made contact with Dr Hans Britz the current state vet in Oudtshoorn and he did the amputation and brought pup back to the vet for recovery. Thank you Dr Hans and Dr Juanita.

On Thursday a scheduled feeding day due to a double shift at work I could not do it(I would have to go on Friday after work and here the Le Roes family, mom and kiddos stepped in). They found a doggie on a short runner and left a message for the owners also a bone stuck in dog’s mouth (nervous phone call from them to me and I said you need to get it out – they got it out.). Thank you for making my load lighter.

On Saturday evening I get a call from a family (Lida and I spoke when she noticed a situation whilst travelling around Calitzdorp about a month ago, she did not just drive away and reported to me, she and hubby stopped and dealt with the issue but still brought it to my attention and we followed up). Lida and family unexpectedly blessed us with dog food. Thank you for the blessing out of the blue.

Our banking details and vets details and photos in attachments, if what we do resonates with you please consider us when you have a spare rand or two. No donation can ever be too big or too small. All donations are accepted with gratitude.

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